element result
diagram AirQualityReporting_p772.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/om/2.0
The association Range shall link the OM_Observation to the value
generated by the procedure. The value has the role result with respect to the
observation. The type of the result is shown as Any, since it may represent the
value of any feature property. NOTE 1 OGC SWE Common provides a model suitable for
describing many kinds of observation results. The type of the observation result
shall be consistent with the observed property, and the scale or scope for the value
shall be consistent with the quantity or category type. If the observed property
( is a spatial operation or function, the type of the result may be a
coverage, NOTE 2 In some contexts, particularly in earth and environmental sciences,
the term “observation” is used to refer to the result itself.

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