E-PRTR data review methodology ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2017/1

27 Jun 2017

Iulian Petchesi

ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2017/1 cover

The EEA and its ETC/ACM has been carrying out a review of E-PRTR data since 2009. It consists of a series of checks, which focus on the internal consistency of the reported E-PRTR data and on verifying consistency with other reporting obligations.

In 2017 a restructuring of the review process and feedback to the countries on questionable data issues took place and follows current time line. It lead to more intensified and automated communication with the countries, such that it avoids repetitive feedback to countries on issues that have already been addressed and resolved previously.

The purpose of this methodology report is to describe the methodology of the checks used in the E-PRTR data review and the methodology for selecting/prioritizing findings for feedback to countries.

Prepared by: ETC/ACM members Peter de smet1, Bernhard Ullrich2, Stephan Poupa2, and EEA programme manager Bastian Zeiger.
1National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands;
2Umweltbundesamt (UBA), Vienna, Austria;

Published by: ETC/ACM, June 2017, 44 pp.