Working paper on biodiversity and national ecosystem assessment reports - ETC/BD Working paper N°A/2013
01 Jul 2013
Iulian Petchesi
This working paper analyses, in a comparative way, how biodiversity is covered in the context of national ecosystem assessments, within the broader perspective of policy questions and analytical framework for ecosystem assessment developed as part of the MAES (Mapping and Assessing Ecosystems and their Services) process. Three existing national ecosystem assessments (NEAs) are analysed: the Portuguese Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of Spain and the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. The report concludes that the selection of ecosystems and ecosystem services in the three assessments was based on the specific characteristics of each country, data availability and user needs and does not follow a common classification. Assessment methodologies are significantly different across the three NEAs and some harmonization is needed in order to allow comparisons. The three NEAs also have a different approach in relation to the links between biodiversity and ecosystem services. Information about the main drivers of change, scenarios and valuation of ecosystem services is also provided in the three NEAs.
Prepared by: Amor Torre-Marin and Ben Delbaere (from ETC/BD partner ECNC, NL), Sophie Condé (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)