ETC/ATNI Report 1/2019: Noise indicators under the Environmental Noise Directive. Methodology for estimating missing data.

Methodological report summarizing the steps followed to obtain estimated results of a complete noise exposure covering the END sources. The process followed is described in different sections, from the input data being used until the final gap filling exercise to obtain the exposure numbers at EEA (39) level, if data available. The method differs depending on the noise souce being gap filled, detailed in the different sections of the summary. Results of the exercise are posted in ETC/ATNI Forum and will be used in different publications foreseen in 2019 by the EEA.

26 Jun 2019

Maria Jose Ramos

Prepared by:
Maria José Ramos, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

This report summarizes the methodology followed to gap fill the missing noise exposure data for 2012 and 2017 reference dataset.

Specific procedures have been implemented depending on the noise source expected to be gap filled, which are detailed in the different chapters of this document, distinguishing between major roads, major railways, major airports and the different sources inside agglomerations (road, rail, aircraft and industrial noise exposure).

The data being use for this exercise is data delivered by Member States in the corresponding Reportnet envelopes until 01/01/2019, for dataflows DF1_5 (and DF1) and DF4_8 (DF4) and considering the different reporting cycles.

Results have been posted in ETC/ATNI Forum and will be used in the different publications being issued during 2019 by the EEA.