element AddressRepresentation
diagram AirQualityReporting_p645.png
namespace urn:x-inspire:specification:gmlas:Addresses:3.0
type ad:AddressRepresentationType
contentĀ complex
substGrpĀ gml:AbstractObject
children ad:adminUnit ad:locatorDesignator ad:locatorName ad:addressArea ad:postName ad:postCode ad:thoroughfare ad:addressFeature
-- Definition --
Representation of an address spatial object for use in external application schemas that need to include the basic, address information in a readable way.

-- Description --
NOTE 1 The data type includes the all necessary readable address components as well as the address locator(s), which allows the identification of the address spatial objects, e.g., country, region, municipality, address area, post code, street name and address number. It also includes an optional reference to the full address spatial object. 

NOTE 2 The datatype could be used in application schemas that wish to include address information e.g. in a dataset that registers buildings or properties.

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