element DispersionSituation
diagram AirQualityReporting_p26.png
namespace http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/schemaset/id2011850eu-1.0
type aqd:DispersionSituationType
content complex
substGrp gml:AbstractObject
children aqd:dispersionLocal aqd:distanceJunction aqd:trafficVolume aqd:heavy-dutyFraction aqd:trafficSpeed aqd:streetWidth aqd:heightFacades aqd:dispersionRegional
-- Name --
dispersion situation

-- Definition --
Description – Local and regional dispersion situation : Describes the local dispersion situation on a spatial scale of some 10m.
It comprises information about the surroundings of the station with respect to dispersion conditions. This information is relevant for the interpretation of the measured data, and to assess the location with respect to the siting criteria laid down in Annex III of Dir. 2008/0/EC and Annex III.II of Dir. 2004/107EC.

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