Methodological improvements on interpolating European air quality maps ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2009/16

30 Sep 2010

Iulian Petchesi

The paper comes to the following main recommendations: keep using the current interpolation method with the separate rural, urban and joint rural/urban maps on just the 10x10 km grid resolution; implement log-normal transposition of PM10 concentrations (not for ozone); when Corine Land Cover covers the European mapping domain, reconsider for PM10 introducing certain land use classes; apply refined merging criteria related to the rural and urban area classification; implement merging on a finer resolution (1x1 km instead of 10x10 km grids) as most important improvement; never aggregate concentration maps for health exposure estimates.

Prepared by: ETC/ACC members Jan Horálek1, Peter de Smet2, Frank de Leeuw2, Markéta Coňková1, Bruce Denby3, Pavel Kurfürst1
1Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Praha, Czech Republic
2Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Bilthoven, Netherlands
3Norwegian Institute of Air Research (NILU), Oslo, Norway

Published by: ETC/ACC, September 2010, 80 pp.

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