PM10 measurement methods and correction factors: 2009 status report ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2011/21

05 Dec 2012

Iulian Petchesi

Although the current European reference methods for sampling and measuring PM10 and PM2.5 in ambient air is based on a 24-hour sample collection and gravimetric analysis, the monitoring networks often use continuous automated monitors to provide real-time information. The measurements obtained with these techniques may show a large deviation from the reference method and the networks should demonstrate that the automated instruments can produce results that are comparable to the reference method. This 'Demonstration of Equivalence' mainly consists of performing comparative measurements between the reference method and the automated monitors.

This paper is based on information extracted from the air quality questionnaire prepared by EU Member States (MS) obtained under the EU Air Quality Framework Directive (QFWD)and reflects the situation for 2009 PM10 monitoring data.
Information on PM10 measurements and correction factors (CF, to be applied to the non-gravimetric measurements) reported in the QFWD were submitted by 28 countries.

The evaluation of the CF applied by the Member States for PM10 reveals that CF varies considerably.
The results from this study evidence that CF depend on the specific instrument and site. The applicability of a unique CF for a given network of a Member State, a relative common practice among countries, is questionable. That implies that, as recommended in the Guidance for the Demonstration of Equivalence (EC Working Group 2010), inter-comparison exercises should be carried out.

Prepared by: ETC/ACM Consortium members Andrés Alastuey, María Cruz Minguillón, Noemí Pérez, Xavier Querol, Mar Viana 1; Frank de Leeuw 2
1Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain; 2RIVM, Bilthoven, the Netherlands

Published by: ETC/ACM, December 2012, 34 pp.