Health effects from Sahara dust particles ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2011/4
14 Aug 2012
Iulian Petchesi
There is no significant association of fine particles and mortality during Saharan dust intrusions. Health effects from PM10 and coarse particles during Sahara dust intrusions cannot be excluded. More research should be conducted regarding the role and toxicity of Sahara dust coarse fraction. Particulate pollution needs to be more rigorously controlled in areas impacted by Saharan dust.
There is no significant association of fine particles and mortality during Saharan dust intrusions. Health effects from PM10 and coarse particles during Sahara dust intrusions cannot be excluded. More research should be conducted regarding the role and toxicity of Sahara dust coarse fraction. Particulate pollution needs to be more rigorously controlled in areas impacted by Saharan dust.
Prepared by: ETC/ACM Consortium members Angeliki Karanasiou, Natalia Moreno, Teresa Moreno, Mar Viana, Xavier Querol all 1; F. de Leeuw 2
1IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain; 2RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Published by: ETC/ACM, September 2012, 18 pp.
This paper was the basis for the journal article "Health effects from Sahara dust episodes in Europe: Literature review and research gaps", Environment International, Volume 47, 15 October 2012, Pages 107-114.
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Health effects from Sahara dust particles ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2011/4
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