Mapping annual mean PM2.5 concentrations in Europe: application of pseudo PM2.5 station data ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2011/5

12 Dec 2011

Iulian Petchesi

It is recommended to implement the pseudo PM2.5 station data and the production of PM2.5 maps operationally at EEA, at least until sufficient numbers of PM2.5 stations become available. In addition it is recommended to develop, and operationally put in place, methods for determining the uncertainty of the exposure calculations.

Prepared by: ETC/ACC members Bruce Denby Rolstad 1, Jan Horálek2, Peter de Smet3, Frank de Leeuw3
1Norwegian Institute of Air Research (NILU), Oslo, Norway; 2Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Praha, Czech Republic; 3Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (RIVM), Bilthoven, Netherlands;

Published by: ETC/ACM, Augsut 2011, 71 pp.

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