ETC/BD Technical paper 1/2021: Revision of the EUNIS inland water habitat group - Outcome of the expert workshop 16th March 2021

28 Jun 2021

Michelle Watson, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, MNHN (FR), Gertie Arts, Wageningen Environmental Research, WENR (NL), Anne Lyche Solheim, European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters, ETC/ICM (DE) / Norwegian Institute for Water Research, NIVA (NO)

This report presents the outcome of discussions held during a workshop on the revision of the EUNIS inland waters habitat group (16/03/2021). The aim of the workshop was to bring together freshwater experts with expertise covering all areas of inland water in order to address outstanding questions regarding the classification of standing and running waters in the EUNIS habitats classification system. The discussions held contributed to inform on the final structure of EUNIS inland waters level 3.