Assessment of the EUNIS heathland, Scrub and tundra habitat probability maps based on Article 17 database - ETC/BD Technical paper N°6/2017

01 Dec 2017

Iulian Petchesi

The main objective of this report is the assessment of the EUNIS heathland, scrub and tundra habitat probability maps compared with the Article 17 database. Difficulties in this assessment is that the relationships between Annex I and EUNIS habitats are in many cases not straightforward and that the spatial data reported under the Article 17 of the Habitats directive can be of variable accuracy from habitat distribution across the whole country to habitat distribution.

Prepared by: Sander Mücher, Stephan Hennekens and Henk Kramer (from ETC/BD partner Wageningen Environmental Research, NL) and Sophie Condé (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)