Scoping paper for Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators for 2010 project (SEBI 2010): costs of invasive alien species in Europe - ETC/BD Working paper N°A/2007

01 Nov 2007

Iulian Petchesi

Under the Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators for 2010 project (SEBI 2010), an expert group is preparing a suite of indicators to assess the impacts of invasive alien species on biodiversity in Europe. This scoping paper is part of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee’s contribution to this work, undertaken as part of the 2007 Work Programme of the European Topic Centre on Biodiversity. The paper aims to support the development of the SEBI 2010 invasive species cost indicator, by providing a biodiversity economics perspective on the relevant conceptual background, existing literature, methodological issues and future research possibilities. First, the paper provides a conceptual overview, which could be used to develop the methodology for an indicator on the costs of invasive alien species. Second, it outlines some of the findings of existing research into the impacts of invasive alien species globally. Third, the paper highlights the remaining gaps, methodological weaknesses and challenges in the existing literature. Finally, a possible conceptual methodology is proposed for developing an indicator on the costs of invasive species, and the paper explores research activities that could help to take this work forward in Europe.

Prepared by: Emily McKenzie (from ETC/BD partner JNCC, UK)