Working paper on an overview of activities to assess public awareness on biodiversity in non-EU countries: Towards an EEA wide public awareness indicator - ETC/BD Working paper N°G/2013
01 Sep 2013
Iulian Petchesi
This document reviews the current state of development and implementation of on Public Awareness and Education (PA&E) programmes in the 12 European countries covered by the EEA but not member of the EU, and whether the effectiveness and impact of such policy are monitored by the use of specific indicators. It also explores the possibilities to compare EU and non EU countries in Europe through the use of a common and comparable measure of public awareness regarding biodiversity. SEBI26 indicator covers the EU Member States but there is a wish to compare the developments in public awareness regarding biodiversity across Europe, also outside the EU.
Prepared by: Celia Tardío Rodríguez, Mark Snethlage and Aysegul Cil (from ETC/BD partner ECNC, NL), Sophie Condé (from ETC/BD-MNHN, FR)