Towards a potential European flood impact database - EEA–JRC–ETC/CCA Joint Technical Paper
25 Apr 2013
Tiberiu Ichim
Every year, Europe is affected by natural hazard events, notably floods, causing large but insufficiently understood and documented losses. Societal vulnerability is a key driver behind rising losses. The existing global and national disaster impact databases are ill-suited for advising the EU natural hazard, civil protection, and climate adaptation policies. There is a scope for a concerted action at the European level. A potential European Flood Impact Database could be built to advise, and draw knowledge from, the implementation of the EU Floods Directive
Author: Jaroslav Mysiak (ETC/CCA-FEEM)
Co-authors: Jochen Luther (ETC/CCA-UFZ), Wouter Vanneuville (EEA)
Contributors: André Jol (EEA), Ad de Roo (JRC/IES), André Wehrli (BAFU), Luca Guerreri and Barbara Dessi (ETC/SIA-ISPRA AMBIENTE), Rutger Dankers (ETC/CCA-MO), Mikko Huokuna (ETC/CCA-SYKE), Eric van Slobbe (ETC/CCA-Alterra) and David Pithart (ETC/CCA-CUNI)
Published by: ETC/CCA, Bologna, IT, 24 April 2013.
See also subsequent ETC/CCA Technical Paper: What makes flood events significant for the European policies? An analysis of threshold-based criteria.