ETC/ACM Report 11/2017: Estimate of 2005 - 2012 Emissions for Stationary Installations to Reflect the Current Scope (2013 - 2020) of the EU ETS
20 Nov 2017
Iulian Petchesi
This paper presents a methodology used by the EEA to complement the emissions data available from the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL) for the period 2005–2012 with additional emission estimates in order to reflect the current scope of the EU ETS (for the period 2013–2020). With such estimates, it is possible to build a consistent time series of emissions under the EU ETS for stationary installations. These estimates are calculated using complementary methods and data directly provided by Member States. In the end, the full data set provides a basis for assessing emission trends in the EU ETS as a whole and at the national level. The data set also allows for the calculation of consistent time series of national emissions in the sectors covered by Decision No 406/2009/EC, the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD).
Based on the methodology in the paper, verified emissions for the entire EU ETS are adjusted upwards. These adjustments represent 15 % of total emissions in 2005, then drops to 10 % in 2007 and finally 5 % in 2012.
Prepared by: Verena Graichen, Johanna Cludius, Sabine Gores (Öko-Institut, DE)
Published by: ETC/ACM, November 2017, 52 pp.
This paper is an update of ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2017/2