ETC/WMGE Report 10/2021: Contribution of remanufacturing to circular economy
22 Dec 2021
Evelien Dils
This report, developed by the ETC/WMGE, looks into remanufacturing as a circular economy value retention process. It aims to give an overview of the potential of remanufacturing for different product groups. Moreover, it provides insights into the actual penetration of remanufacturing in different product categories, manufacturing and service sectors. The report provides information on identified opportunities for monitoring of remanufacturing, as part of the circular economy. Lastly, also the potential of remanufacturing for increased circularity in Europe is explored, while examining also how the progress could be monitored.
Ultimately, the work serves as an input to help national and regional policy makers prioritise action within the framework of the European circular economy.