The 30% protected area target of the Biodiversity Strategy 2030
Protected area per biogeographical region - distance to target | Share of terrestrial protected area per biogeographical region. Statistic presented during the biogeographical seminar (status March 2021) |
Corine Landcover and Landuse statistics for protected areas
Corine Landcover and Landuse statistics for protected areas | Corine Landcover and Landuse 2018, protected areas 2022 (Natura 2000, Emerald, CDDA) |
Nationally designated areas - CDDA dashboards
Protected areas in Europe | Terrestrial protected areas in Europe (2021 and 2022) |
CDDA country overview 2022 | Statistics on nationally designated protected areas per country (2022) |
CDDA country overview 2021 | Statistics on nationally designated protected areas per country (2021) |
CDDA overview | Statistics on nationally designated protected areas per country with additional information on Natura 2000 and Emerald (2020, 2019 and 2018) |
Protected areas in Europe | This dashboard shows the share of designated protected areas for a) CDDA only, b) CDDA and Natura 2000/Emerald combined, c) Natura 2000 / Emerald only (2019 and 2020) |
IUCN management categories in protected areas | This dashboard shows the share of IUCN management categories for CDDA sites overlapping Natura2000 sites (2020) |