ETC-CA Report 2/2024 Characteristics and conditions of adaptation policy in European Environment Agency member and cooperating countries

This report aims to provide a deeper understanding of the diverse landscape of adaptation policy frameworks and instruments utilized across the 38 European Environment Agency member and cooperating countries, exploring their defining characteristics and how they operate within national contexts. Particular attention is given to countries with national climate laws governing climate change adaptation. The report provides an assessment of adaptation policy documents and reports published through July 2024.

20 Dec 2024

Markus Leitner, Katie Johnson, Wolfgang Lexer, Johan Munck af Rosenschöld, Thomas Dworak, Angelika Tamásová, Aneliya Nikolova, Wouter Vanneuville

European countries are increasingly engaging in climate adaptation to address the diverse impacts of climate change. These efforts reflect a strong commitment to climate resilience, but they also reveal a diverse and increasingly complex policy landscape across Europe. The shift toward legally binding adaptation at the national level through the adoption of legislation with adaptation provisions (i.e. climate laws, acts or ordinances), and Germany’s Federal Climate Adaptation Act, mark an important development in the European adaptation policy landscape. The report takes stock of the progress made in establishing legal frameworks and policies for climate adaptation across Europe. However, it also identifies challenges in integrating monitoring and evaluation systems, ensuring that adaptation actions lead to meaningful risk reduction and increased resilience. The findings suggest a need for continued efforts to enhance the coherence and effectiveness of adaptation policies through robust legal mandates and improved governance structures.