ETC-CA Technical Paper 1/2024 Nature-based Solutions to address forest disturbances under climate change: the case of fire and pests

The report aims to investigate how Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can be applied in forested landscapes to reduce wildfire and pest outbreak risks, but also to improve the resilience of forests and support their recovery after such disturbances. It also discusses commonalities and divergences in conditions and strategies for NbS implementation across case studies, and identifies key learning points and remaining challenges.

13 Dec 2024

Saskia Keesstra, Laurène Lebelt, Chiara Castellani, Margaretha Breil, Anu Akujärvi, Noortje Pellens, Bertram de Rooij, Jelle van Minnen, Walter Cristiano, Daniel Zimmer

In a context of global change, European forests are facing increasing pressure related to the evolution of their climate and economic exploitation conditions. In this context, this report focuses on two types of climate-related disturbances that are becoming increasingly destructive: wildfires and pest outbreaks. We explore how Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can be applied in forested landscapes to reduce wildfire and pest outbreak risks, but also to improve the resilience of forests and support their recovery after such disturbances. Recognizing that the NbS approach in a forest context can still have unclear conceptual boundaries, we rely on current definitions and criteria (mainly from IUCN and the European Commission) and on existing scientific literature to present relevant examples of NbS targeting three main situations: pre-fire, post-fire, and pest outbreak. This literature review is complemented with case studies analysed under a biophysical, socio-economic, and governance lens, with the aim of identifying favourable factors for replication or scalability. The report discusses commonalities and divergences in conditions and strategies for NbS implementation across case studies, and identifies key learning points and remaining challenges.