Indicators for adaptation to climate change at national level - Lessons from emerging practice in Europe
23 Oct 2018
Tiberiu Ichim
As countries gain more experience in developing and implementing national climate change adaptation strategies and plans, the need for understanding their progress and effects is also increasing, especially through indicators for monitoring and evaluation of adaptation to climate change at national level. This Technical Paper contributes to the evolving knowledge base in this field and is accompanied by an annex including an Excel database of national adaptation indicator sets from five European countries collected in 2017 (Austria, Finland, Germany and the United Kingdom) and 2018 (Scotland).
Authors: Kirsi Mäkinen (1), Andrea Prutsch (2), Eleni Karali (3), Markus Leitner (2), Sonja Völler (2), Jari Lyytimäki (1), Patrick Pringle (4), Wouter Vanneuville (5)
Published by: ETC/CCA, Bologna, IT, October 2018
(1) Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) (2) Umweltbundesamt GmbH - Environment Agency Austria (EAA) (3) Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) (4) The Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University of Oxford (UKCIP) (5) European Environment Agency (EEA)