ETC/ICM Report 1/2014: Emissions of pollutants to Europe’s waters – Analysis of data reported under European data flows
16 Dec 2014
Nils Hettich
This ETC/ICM Technical Report presents an overview of data flows on emissions to water under different European reporting obligations: State of Environment reporting on emissions to water (SoE emissions), European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR), Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD), OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire on inland waters, and Water Framework Directive (WFD).
Comparative analyses are done to show similarities and differences between these reporting obligations on emissions of nutrients and hazardous substances to water. Similarities, differences and completeness of the load data reported by each European Member State under the different reporting obligations are visualized in tables, diagrams and maps.
The aim of this analysis is to facilitate streamlining of reporting following the vision ‘Report once - use many times’. This report should be a basis for further discussions and developments on streamlining and improving the data flows on emissions to water at the European level.
Prepared by: ETC/ICM members: Hana Prchalova, Silvie Semeradova, Miroslav Fanta (CENIA), Sandra Richter, Anita Künitzer (UFZ) and EEA: Bo Jacobsen
Published by: ETC/ICM, December 2014, 61 pp.