ETC ST Report 2024/1: Realizing the EEA Imaginaries: Pathways to a Resilient Food Sector in Europe 2050 through System Dynamics Modelling

This report, prepared by the European Topic Centre on Sustainability transitions (ETC ST), explores pathways towards realizing the European Environment Agency's (EEA) imaginaries for a resilient food sector in Europe by 2050. The overall goal of the project was to assess the extent to which policy targets related to Farm-2-Fork (F2F) and mobility can be reached using explorative dynamic modelling approaches. Synergies and conflicts between policy targets were analysed. Policies to develop transition pathways towards reaching the four different imaginaries for a sustainable future in Europe in 2050 were developed. The report has been updated with technical corrections on 14 November 2024.

24 Jun 2024

Hördur Haraldsson, Jonathan Köhler, Erik Pruyt, Ullrich Lorenz, Paulo Soeiro de Carvalho, Ricardo da Silva Vieira