ETC HE Report 2023/13: European assessment of quiet areas in open country

Evidence shows that natural green and blue spaces (e.g. parks, forests, lakes) enhance mental well-being, especially in quiet environments. The Environmental Noise Directive (END) emphasizes preserving quiet areas across Europe's urban and rural settings. This report identifies potential quiet areas in Europe’s countryside. It builds upon an updated version of the Quietness Suitability Index (QSI), initially published by the European Environment Agency in 2016. The index combines two components: objective noise levels and subjective human perceptions of quietness. The revised methodology improves the distance function from noise sources, and the perception component is aligned with the ecosystem services framework. Ultimately, the report highlights the European regions with high potential for quiet areas, hotspots—areas with a low percentage of potential quiet zones—and offers insights for enhancing the management of protected areas.

18 Dec 2024

Núria Blanes (UAB), Jaume Fons (UAB), Miquel Sáinz de la Maza (UAB), Raquel Ubach (UAB), Roger Milego (UAB), Matthias Hintzsche (UBA), Eulàlia Peris (EEA)