ETC HE products

ETC products are usually not (with some exceptions) subject to a review by the Eionet countries and do not formally represent the view of the European Environment Agency.

Publication date Title Download Authors
24 Jul 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/11: Environmental noise health risk assessment: methodology for assessing health risks using data reported under the Environmental Noise Directive Nicole Engelmann (Swiss TPH) Núria Blanes Guàrdia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Jaume Fons Esteve (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Danielle Vienneau (Swiss TPH) Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH) Eulalia Peris (EEA)
15 Jul 2024 ETC HE Report 2024/2: Air pollution policies and measures under the National Emission reduction Commitments Directive (NECD). Update 2024. Marion Pinterits (klarFakt) Elisabeth Kampel (klarFakt) Bernhard Ullrich (klarFakt)
13 Jun 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/7: Version 2; Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution: assessing the environmental burden of disease in Europe in 2021 Joana Soares (NILU) Dietrich Plass (UBA) Sarah Kienzler (UBA) Alberto González Ortiz (EEA) Artur Gsella (EEA) Jan Horálek (CHMI)
30 May 2024 ETC HE Report 2024/5: Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2023, using validated and up-to-date data Jaume Targa (4sfera Innova) María Colina (4sfera Innova) Lorena Banyuls (4sfera Innova) Alberto González Ortiz (EEA) Joana Soares (NILU)
30 May 2024 ETC HE Report 2024/3: Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2022, using validated data Jaume Targa (4sfera Innova) María Colina (4sfera Innova) Lorena Banyuls (4sfera Innova) Alberto González Ortiz (EEA) Joana Soares (NILU)
27 May 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/10: Development of a 2017 baseline to monitor noise under the zero pollution objectives. Methodological document. Núria Blanes (UAB) Jaume Fons (UAB) Matthias Hintzsche (UBA) Maria José Ramos (UAB) Miquel Sáinz (UAB) Roger Milego (UAB) Eulalia Peris (EEA)
01 Mar 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/12: Methodology to assess vulnerable groups exposed to environmental noise Jaume Fons (UAB) Núria Blanes (UAB) Francisco Domingues (UAB) Miquel Sáinz (UAB) Danielle Vienneau (SwissTPH) Martin Röösli (SwissTPH)
01 Mar 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/17: Noise assessment: Methodology and scripts for the analysis of quiet areas in urban centres Sub-task 1 Núria Blanes (UAB) Raquel Ubach (UAB) Miquel Sainz de la Maza (UAB) Jaume Fons (UAB)
29 Feb 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/14: Environmental health risks to children and adolescents: an umbrella review on chemicals Jos Bessems (VITO) Jurgen Buekers (VITO) Nicole Engelmann (Swiss TPH) Sarah Kienzler (UBA) Cristian Martucci (Swiss TPH) Dietrich Plass (UBA) Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH) Natasha Wauters (VITO)
18 Jan 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/13: Estimating the burden of disease due to lead, PFAS, phthalates, cadmium, pyrethroids and bisphenol A using HBM4EU data – test of feasibility and first results for selected countries Dietrich Plass (UBA Germany) Sarah Kienzler (UBA Germany) Jos Bessems (VITO Belgium) Jurgen Buekers (VITO Belgium) Jirka Cops (VITO Belgium) Anthony Purece (VITO Belgium) Anton Beloconi (Swiss TPH) Penelope Vounatsou (Swiss TPH) Kaja Widmer (Swiss TPH)
18 Jan 2024 ETC HE Report 2023/3: Air quality maps of EEA member and cooperating countries for 2021. PM10, PM2.5, O3, NO2, NOx and BaP spatial estimates and their uncertainties. Jan Horálek (CHMI) Leona Vlasáková (CHMI) Markéta Schreiberová (CHMI) Nina Benešová (CHMI) Philipp Schneider (NILU) Pavel Kurfürst (CHMI) Frédéric Tognet (INERIS) Jana Schovánková (CHMI) Ondřej Vlček (CHMI) Marta Garcia Vivanco (CIEMAT) Mark Theobald (CIEMAT) Victoria Gil (CIEMAT)
07 Dec 2023 ETC HE Report 2023/4: Interim air quality maps of EEA member and cooperating countries for 2022. PM10, O3, and NO2 spatial estimates and evaluation of PM2.5 interim mapping. Jan Horálek (CHMI) Leona Vlasáková (CHMI) Markéta Schreiberová (CHMI) Philipp Schneider (NILU) Nina Benešová (CHMI)
04 Dec 2023 ETC HE Report 2023/8: Long-term trends of air pollutants at European and national level 2005-2021 Talardia Gbangou (INERIS) Augustin Colette (INERIS)
04 Aug 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/24: City-level mapping of air quality at fine spatial resolution – the Prague case study. NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 maps on a 100 m spatial grid. Jan Horálek (CHMI) Daša Damašková (CHMI) Philipp Schneider (NILU) Pavel Kurfürst (CHMI) Markéta Schreiberová (CHMI) Ondřej Vlček (CHMI)
26 May 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/23: Evaluation of European-wide map creation of flux-based ozone indicator POD for selected tree species. Leona Vlasáková (CHMI) Jana Marková (CHMI) Frédéric Tognet (INERIS) Jan Horálek (CHMI) Augustin Colette (INERIS)
23 May 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/21: Emissions of ammonia and methane from the agricultural sector. Emissions from livestock farming. Laure Malherbe (Ineris) Richard German (Aether) Florian Couvidat (Ineris Laurène Zanatta (Ineris) Lewis Blannin (Aether) Aiden James (Aether) Laurent Létinois (Ineris) Simone Schucht (Ineris) Brice Berthelot (Ineris) Justine Raoult (Aether)
14 Apr 2023 ETC HE Report 2023/2: Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2022, using validated and up-to-date data Jaume Targa, 4sfera Innova Anna Ripoll, 4sfera Innova Lorena Banyuls, 4sfera Innova Alberto González Ortiz, EEA Joana Soares, NILU
14 Apr 2023 ETC HE Report 2023/1: Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2021, using validated data Jaume Targa, 4sfera Innova Anna Ripoll, 4sfera Innova Lorean Banyuls, 4sfera Innova Alberto González Ortiz, EEA Joana Soares, NILU
03 Mar 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/22: Environmental health risks to children and adolescents: an umbrella review on indoor and outdoor air pollution Alberto Castro (Swiss TPH) Ron Kappeler (Swiss TPH) Sarah Kienzler (UBA) Meltem Kutlar Joss (Swiss TPH) Michelle Laeremans (VITO) Dietrich Plass (UBA) Martina Ragettli (Swiss TPH) Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH) Ana Maria Scutaru (UBA) Kerttu Valtanen (UBA) Karen Van de Vel (VITO) Natasha Wauters (VITO)
24 Jan 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/12: European air quality maps for 2020. PM10, PM2.5, Ozone, NO2, NOx and Benzo(a)pyrene spatial estimates and their uncertainties. Jan Horálek (CHMI) Leona Vlasáková (CHMI) Markéta Schreiberová (CHMI) Jana Marková (CHMI) Philipp Schneider (NILU) Pavel Kurfürst (CHMI) Frédéric Tognet (INERIS) Jana Schovánková (CHMI) Ondřej Vlček (CHMI) Daša Damašková (CHMI)
20 Jan 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/4: Interim European air quality maps for 2021. PM10, NO2 and ozone spatial estimates based on non-validated UTD data. Jan Horálek (CHMI) Leona Vlasáková (CHMI) Markéta Schreiberová (CHMI) Philipp Schneider (NILU) Daša Damašková (CHMI)
18 Jan 2023 ETC HE Report 2022/7: Recommendations for an update of the Implementing Provisions for Reporting (IPR) in connection with the revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives Leonor Tarrasón Cristina Guerreiro
06 Dec 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/6: Chemical risk indicator scoping study Scoping study to develop an indicator on the risk of chemicals on ecosystems. Sandrine Andres Pia Kotschik Laure Malherbe Eldbjørg Sofie Heimstad Helene Lunder Halvorsen Maja Nipen Mamadou-Bailo Balde Gertie Arts Aurélien Carré Jeanne Vuaille Xenia Trier
28 Nov 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/11: Estimating the morbidity related environmental burden of disease due to exposure to PM2.5, NO2 and O3 in outdoor ambient air Sarah Kienzler Joana Soares Alberto González Ortiz Dietrich Plass
28 Nov 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/10: Health Risk Assessment of Air Pollution and the Impact of the New WHO Guidelines Joana Soares Alberto González Ortiz Artur Gsella Jan Horálek Dietrich Plass Sarah Kienzler
11 Nov 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/8: Review and Assessment of Available Information on Light Pollution in Europe Kaja Widmer Anton Beloconi Ian Marnane Penelope Vounatsou
21 Jun 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/5: Projected health impacts from transportation noise – Exploring two scenarios for 2030 Núria Blanes (UAB) Jaume Fons-Esteve (UAB) Matthias Hintzsche (UBA) Maria José Ramos (UAB) Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH) Miquel Sáinz de la Maza (UAB) Raquel Ubach (UAB) Danielle Vienneau (Swiss TPH) Eulália Peris (EEA)
31 Mar 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/3: Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2021, using validated and up-to-date data Jaume Targa Anna Ripoll Lorena Banyuls Alberto González Ortiz Joana Soares
31 Mar 2022 ETC HE Report 2022/2: Status report of air quality in Europe for year 2020, using validated data Jaume Targa Anna Ripoll Lorena Banyuls Alberto González Ortiz Joana Soares