ETC HE Report 2024/7: Methodology for calculating projected health impacts from transportation noise – Exploring two scenarios for 2030

This report provides an updated methodology for two scenarios of noise exposure in 2030 as support for the Zero Pollution Action Plan. The scenarios use 2017 as the baseline for people exposed to transport noise sources (inside and outside agglomerations). Since 2019, countries can no longer use their national calculation methods, must change to CNOSSOS-EU, and must adapt the method in which population and receiving points are distributed across the façade of the buildings. Therefore, the exposure data from 2017 is estimated based on backdating reported data in 2022. The data reported and gap filled in 2022 are used as the latest available data and as an intermediate point between 2017 and 2030. Assessment of scenarios follows the same workflow for all noise sources and is based on the change in population exposure due to demographic factors, transport data, and relevant noise abatement measures between 2022 and 2030.

20 Dec 2024

Núria Blanes (UAB), Jaume Fons-Esteve (UAB), Matthias Hintzsche (UBA), Maria José Ramos (UAB), Martin Röösli (Swiss TPH), Miquel Sáinz de la Maza (UAB), Raquel Ubach (UAB), Danielle Vienneau (Swiss TPH), Eulália Peris (EEA)