ETC HE Report 2024/16: European surface ozone: the potential of mitigating methane and other precursors

Whereas the processes underlying surface ozone air pollution episodes are relatively well known, the interplay of anthropogenic and biogenic sources related to both short- and long-lived precursors presents a challenge for the identification of optimal mitigation strategies. The most common concern relates to (i) the spatial scale at which emission reduction strategies must be implemented, and (ii) the apparent limited efficiency of past efforts with regards to recent ozone trends. We provide a short synthesis of the recent evidence in relation to (i) ozone formation processes, (ii) trends of ozone in the last few decades, (iii) significance of methane as an ozone precursor, (iv) the impact of climate change on future ozone.

04 Feb 2025

Augustin Colette (INERIS)