Country profiles on Circular Economy in Europe (2022)

ETC/CE Reports 2022/5: Circular economy country profiles (2022)

A set of 30 country profiles that summarise policies and initiatives in the area of circular economy.

Publication date: December 2022


Prepared by:
Bart Ullstein, Bettina-Bahn Walkowiak, Jens Günther, Jiri Valta, Åsa Romson, Jenny von Bahr, Susanna Paleari, Theo Geerken, Veronique Van Hoof and Evelien Dils (ETC/CE) and Peder Jensen and Daniel Montalvo (EEA).


At the request of The European Commission EEA has produced EU country profiles that offer an updated view of circular economy policies being implemented at a national level with a particular focus on elements that go beyond EU mandatory elements, and best practice with a focus on policy innovation.

While implementing the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP 2020), Member States are encouraged to advance circularity at a national level by adopting policies and initiatives that go beyond EU regulations, while preserving the Single Market.

These circular economy country profiles are based on information reported by the Eionet network and, in particular, the Eionet Group on Circular Economy and Resource Use in the second quarter of 2022. The information was reviewed and edited by the European Topic Centre on Circular economy and resource use (ETC CE). A selection of Eurostat data was made to further complement this country profile.

The information is current as of September 2022 (final review) when members of Eionet verified the content of this profile.

Download the best practices reports:

Circular Economy policy innovation and good practice in Member States

Circular Economy policy innovation and good practice in Kosovo, Switzerland and Türkiye

Download country profiles: 


Circular economy country profile - Austria


Circular economy country profile - Belgium


Circular economy country profile - Bulgaria


Circular economy country profile - Croatia


Circular economy country profile - Cyprus


Circular economy country profile - Czechia


Circular economy country profile - Denmark


Circular economy country profile - Estonia


Circular economy country profile - Finland


Circular economy country profile - France


Circular economy country profile - Germany


Circular economy country profile - Greece


Circular economy country profile - Hungary


Circular economy country profile - Ireland


Circular economy country profile - Italy


Circular economy country profile - Kosovo


Circular economy country profile - Latvia


Circular economy country profile - Lithuania


Circular economy country profile - Luxemburg


Circular economy country profile - Malta


Circular economy country profile - Netherlands


Circular economy country profile - Poland


Circular economy country profile - Portugal


Circular economy country profile - Romania


Circular economy country profile - Slovakia


Circular economy country profile - Slovenia


Circular economy country profile - Spain


Circular economy country profile - Sweden


Circular economy country profile - Switzerland


Circular economy country profile - Türkiye