Flexibility solutions to support a decarbonised and secure EU electricity system
20 Oct 2023
Mihai Tomescu (EEA), Victor Juarez (Ramboll), Søren Møller Thomsen (Ramboll), Ils Moorkens (VITO), Marco Ortiz Sanchez (VITO)
This report was prepared by a mixed team of authors on behalf of the European Environmental Agency. It is the result of the collaboration between the European Environment Agency, Ramboll, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, and the European Topic Centre on Climate change mitigation (represented by VITO).
Decarbonisation and security of energy supply are two main areas under strain today in the European energy system. As it works to respond to these challenges and to unforeseen global disruptions affecting energy supply, the EU energy policy landscape is evolving. To avoid negative impacts also in the future, the EU Member States must accelerate the green energy transition.
The challenge of upholding a high security of supply in a decarbonised electricity system is, to some extent, an issue of matching variable renewable electricity generation with a more adaptive electricity demand. To meet this challenge, doubling the flexibility resources across the EU power grid by 2030 will be key.
From the research, interviews and case studies examined in this report, there are a variety of existing solutions that may be implemented to continue the trend of decarbonisation without compromising security of supply. However, proactive and coordinated policy efforts are needed to unlock flexibility resources domestically and across borders. Additional efforts should focus on the demand side, including on smart sector coupling and energy storage, on the supply side, as well as with regard to enabling infrastructures.
Link: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/flexibility-solutions-to-support