Series of webinars on climate policy implementation & evaluation

Background: Since 2019 DG Climate Action via the project “Capacity Building to Facilitate Implementation of the Effort Sharing Legislation, with focus on ex-post evaluation and policy lessons learned“ and the EEA have developed different resources to support policy evaluations:

  1. evaluation guidance document - a compilation of different methods and approaches for performing ex-post evaluation with concrete examples of different types of evaluations;
  2. catalogue of European environment and climate policy evaluations;
  3. several workshops and webinars for national experts who are involved in climate policy evaluation.


Participants valued the opportunity to discuss methods and approaches for policy evaluation and to exchange national experiences. The EEA and its European Topic Centre on Climate Mitigation (ETC CM) continue to support Member States in their reporting on greenhouse gas policies and measures, by providing guidance documents on reporting, quality checking reported information, and presentations and webinars for reporters.


Aim: Building on this experience, the EEA and its ETC CM announced a series of webinars on climate policy evaluation. The aim is to discuss selected evaluation methodologies, share country practices & information on national climate policy evaluation and related aspects.


Audience: The target audience are national agencies and ministries involved in climate policies and measures reporting and/or policy evaluation. Invitations will be sent to Climate Change Committee WGII, reporters on policies and measures, projections and national systems, Eionet Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Systems Group, participants to the webinars organized under the DG CLIMA contract but can be further distributed to colleagues.


Selected topics: Greenhouse gas policies and measures can have multiple co-benefits apart from avoiding climate change. In this webinar we focused on estimating the socio economic co-benefits of climate policies and measures (webinar materials). Policy evaluations are mostly limited to the power, buildings, industry, and transport sector. Evaluations of policies impacting emissions from agriculture or waste are less common. Therefore, we focus on these sectors in two different webinars. One webinar looked into the evaluation of agricultural greenhouse gas policies and measures (webinar materials). Another one will look into the evaluation of waste greenhouse gas policies and measures. Considered topics are: Effective policies in Effort Sharing sectors and Evaluation of cost efficiency. Other topics per demand are possible, please see the contact below.


Practicalities: The webinars have a similar format: an introductory presentation; 2 to 3 presentations from experts or country representatives; and a question-and-answer session.

They are approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. The session with presentations is recorded.


Registrations: registration is required, for the upcoming webinar


Contact and more information: If you are interested in sharing a national experience or you have feedback, suggestions, and questions, you can email: